Blogging… & Instagram.

I literally have not written a blog post in SO long. It’s just so time consuming! Oskar is keeping me pretty busy with his reflux (which is much much better) and I think he has sore gums! It’s going to be hell when he starts teething properly!!

Oskar will be 12 weeks old on Monday so I will put his update up then! I am planning on doing a review on his mamaroo at some point too!

I haven’t disappeared completely so if any of you have instagram feel free to follow me as I am spending most of my time on there recently! It is @kirstylillian

Anyway; I want to write so much about Oskar but I will save that for his update! Here is my little beauty!


Kirsty x

Oskar’s injections

Yesterday (9/3/17) oskar went for his first lot of immunisations. I really was not looking forward to taking him, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.. I think I was more nervous about how he was going to react rather than myself. It helped that I didn’t take him alone as I do not do needles, I can not look at them. (you would have thought that I would be over that now as I had to have 2-4 canulas in my hands at once whilst I was pregnant) My partner came with me and held him whilst she did them.

For his 8 week appointment he had one oral vaccine and then 3 more in his leg. One of the injections is a 5 in one, I’m not 100% sure which 5, But I know that the oral one was for Polio. so yesterday Oskar had;

-1st Diphtheria
– Tetanus
-Whooping cough
-Haemophilus influenzae (hib)
-Men B

Seems like loads for just a little baby!! We have to do it all again in 4 weeks for his next lot!

Oskar was fine though, he was asleep until we undressed him. She gave him his oral vaccine, I gave him the calpol and then she did the others in his thigh. I was expecting him to be unsettled with a temperature for the rest of the day but he was fine! He slept a little more than usual but I put that down to the calpol knocking him out.  He didn’t show any signs of having a temperature so that has re-assured me about taking him for his next lot 🙂


My happy boy 🙂 8 weeks 3 days old! I love this outfit.. his vest and dungarees are from mothercare, I think they’re part of the ‘Little Bear’ clothing collection and cost £14.99, his socks have little bears eyes and ears at the top which are so cute! I know they’re from Next, but were a present from a friend whilst I was pregnant so I’m not sure how much they were!

Kirsty x

Oskar’s 2 month update!

I have an 8 week old!

I think thats how the stereotypical ‘my baby is growing so fast’ line starts 😉 but seriously, for anyone who doesn’t have children. It actually DOES go fast! I can not believe that 8 weeks ago today I was at the hospital, I think around this time (11:30am) 8 weeks ago, really strong contractions were just starting. (The joys of inducement!)

Oskar is beginning to become his own little character and he is generally a really happy baby! I’ve been pretty lucky 🙂 the only struggle that we have had is his reflux. But since I’ve put him onto the SMA stay down anti-reflux milk we have had no screaming episodes! I must say though, if you ever put your baby onto this milk then definitely change the teats to the variflow size (tommee tippee, not sure if other brands do variflow) because it is a thick mixture and it took me a good week or so, buying new teats just to work out which one was the best and wasn’t going to keep blocking up every feed!

He is also beginning to recognise faces more which makes him smile even more! I wouldn’t say Oskar is smiling on demand quite just yet, but he will give you smiles if he thinks you’ve worked hard enough 😉 I mean, I guess when someones pulling random faces and making strange noises at you, you don’t always feel like smiling at them! Would you? 😉

He enjoys his play mat a little more and can hold the toys for a few seconds before letting them go and hitting them!  One  thing that Oskar hates is tummy time! I put him on his tummy and he kicks off, so this is something that we are working on! I might try one of those tummy time toys..

Here is Oskar’s 2month update photo!


Kirsty x


6-8 Week Health Visitor Check-Up!

Our health visitor came to see Oskar yesterday (28/02) and from speaking to literally everyone that I know that has had a child everyone dreads seeing the health visitor for some reason. I felt a bit patronised when she came when Oskar was 5 days old but I think that was because she sat there for about an hour feeding me tonnes of information that I already knew, I guess thats a benefit of working with under fives.

She was happy with his progress, he is a good weight, he is smiling and babbling a lot, he is an amazing sleeper (I thought she would have something to say about that because I am not waking him at night anymore but was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t.)

There isn’t really much to write about these little routine appointments as its all just procedure! She seemed happy that I changed his milk (again) but this one seems to be helping loads! I think its just harder for him to fill his nappy as the milk is thicker, but nothing some boiled water can’t help!

We also got a mamaroo yesterday which I was so excited about! I was wanting to get one for ages.. they’re way too expensive in the shops so I found one for a reasonable price on eBay, its in pretty good condition too! I will do a separate post on that one 🙂

Can’t believe my monkey is 8 weeks old on monday so I will update his weight, length etc on that post 🙂 Here is a picture of my bubba!


Kirsty x